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Essential Stock Analysis
Rational Passive Investing
Dynamic programming with Python
Sorting a database with Python
The hat-check problem
A frequency counter
Best free sources to learn Python
Data analysis
Case Fatality Ratio of Covid-19
NumPy and Pandas recap
Exploratory data analysis on a Airbnb data (part 1)
Exploratory data analysis on a Airbnb data (part 2)
Aspettativa di vita (italian)
Popolazione e mortalità infantile (italian)
Cause di morte in USA (italian)
Finance and stochastic
Statistical inference in the
non-light tailed
Fat tails, Bitcoin and the Stock market
Automated monitoring of the current weights of a portfolio
Stochastic wealth process simulation
Geometric Brownian Motion: a wrong assumption (italian)
A closer look to the negative skewness of SPY ETF returns
Machine Learning
Implementation of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
PCA on Iris dataset with a KNN Classifier